Sonntag, 10. August 2014

A sad and an exciting story

The Pier in Eastbourne
sad = traurig
exciting = spannend
There really isn't much left = Es ist nicht viel übrig geblieben.
This pier is destroying. To destroy = zerstören
It is still be smoldering this morning. Smoldering = Schwellbrand, Glimmbrand

How they filmed

The Pier is burning. He was built on 1866.
Der Pier brennt. Er ist 1860 erbaut worden.

The fire dropped out at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Das Feuer brach um 3 Uhr nachmittags aus.

At 7 o'clock in the evening there is only the framework left over.

Um 7 Uhr abends ist nur das Gerüst übrig.
Even in the middle of the night, the flames go up because the wind.

Sogar um Mitternacht, flammt das Feuer wieder auf wegen dem Wind.

Only the next morning the fire is out.
Erst am nächsten Morgen ist das Feuer erloschen.
TV film with a GoPro Camera fixed on a hexacopter.

remote controlled = ferngesteuert

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