Montag, 2. Februar 2015
Dear girls and boys of the 6th class Walkermatte
I'll fly to Bournemouth soon where I'll stay for several weeks.
This town lays on the south coast of England. I've heard that Bournemouth has an interesting music scene - I'll see. So I remembered the song «Joe's Garage» which I sometimes put on You Tube. Maybe you like it as well. It tells from young musicians. Some of you play in a band also, isn't it?
Have nice ski holidays and then a good time with Kathrin Schmocker.
Best Wishes
Iris Gfeller
The song «Joe's Garage» is part of a rock opera (Frank Zappa, 1979).
Der Central Scrutinizer (dt. etwa Hauptprüfer) erzählt - zur Warnung der Zuhörerschaft - die Geschichte vom Musiker Joe, mit dem es wegen seiner Liebe zur Musik beinahe ein böses Ende genommen hätte.
boring = langweilig
residential area = Wohngebiet
to rehearse = proben (rehearsing = proben)
trial = Probe
tribulations = Beschwerlichkeiten
husbandry = Haltung, Haushalten, Sparsamkeit
sauce = Sauce, Frechheit
to cram = stopfen, füllen
to mash up = vermischen, pürieren
cheesy = käsig, billig, geschmacklos, kitschig
amp = Verstärker
whammy bar
to earn = verdienen, erwerben
to join = beitreten
Roadie = Begleiter einer Band, zuständig für Auf- und Abbau
The road crew (or roadies) are the technicians or support personnel who travel with a band on tour.
to jam = gemeinsam improvisieren
mad = böse, wütend, sauer, verärgert
to get sth. wrong = etw. falsch verstehen
to bend the string = die Saite biegen
dope = Rauschgift
intonation = Sprechmelodik, Sprechmelodie
to offend = kränken, verletzen, anecken
chord = Akkord
to figure = herausfinden
to cause = begründen, bewirken
to get one's eye in
= to become very good at a sport or other activity by practising
= to develop a perceptual (wahrnehmend) skill (Fähigkeit, Fertigkeit), especially visual.
to dash = sausen, rasen
to pick out = aussuchen
bucks = die Kohle
fame = Ruhm
matching suit = entsprechende Anzüge
ought = sollte
happening = Ereignis
snotty = arrogant, rotzig, hochnäsig
sudden = plötzlich
to harm = schaden, verletzen
mess = Durcheinander, Schweinerei
disgusting = abscheulich, ekelhaft
law = Gesetz
counselor = Berater
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