Montag, 31. März 2014

Fold a shirt

Write down what you understood, translate it into German and bring your notes to school.

Schreibe auf, was du verstanden hast, übersetze auf Deutsch und bringe deine Notizen in die Schule.

Fold a Shirt in less than 2 Seconds!
Today I'm going to show you how to fold a shirt - in under two seconds.

Start by taking a short-sleeved shirt and lying it out on it's back.

Then we need to draw an imaginary line halfway between the top and the bottom of the shirt, roughly here and another one halfway between the center of the shirt and the outside edge about here.

We'll call the point where the lines cross «A», the top point «B» and the bottom point «C».

Start by pinching the shirt at point «A» with your left hand and put up point «B» with your right hand, then cross your right hand over to pick up point «C».

Next quickly unfold your arms and finally use the table to fold the shirt back on itself.

This method works with any short-sleeved top, from T-shirt, Polo Top to shirts and with a bit of practice can be done very quickly.

to fold = falten
a short sleaved shirt = ein Kurzarmshirt
to pinch = klemmen, erwischen, schnappen
finally = am Schluss
roughly = ungefähr

to tie = binden
lace = Schnur (shoe lace: Schuhbändel)

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